We are here to help! If your landlord doesn’t return your deposit, we will.
Please Note: This accomodation is for students only!
This retro studio apartment to rent on Brunnenstraße is located in Mitte, Berlin. It’s only 33 square meters, which isn’t huge, but the space is well utilized. Plus you get ample light and have a small balcony along with a French balcony. The kitchen is fully equipped and the modern bathroom has a tub. There is a double bed and large wardrobe. Living room furnishings are mid-century mod, and there is a TV and 2-seat dining table.
Mitte marks the spot you want to be when living in Berlin. It’s a treasure trove for history buffs, artists, and foodies. Brunnenmarkt is open on the 3rd Sunday of the month. It’s a great street-food market, and it’s 3-minutes away. The Berlin Wall Memorial is a 10-minute walk away, and so is Kaufhaus Jandorf, which is a former department store used for art and fashion events. Restaurants are abundant And with Mauerpark is a great place to relax.
Monthly rent
1267 €
1.5 months' rent
Cleaning service
Cancellation policy
39.59 €/m2
Firstly, please grab the following documents. You’ll need them in the next stage of your application, and you won’t be able to make a booking without them.
ID or Passport
Proof of income
Special landlord policy: you need to transfer the deposit within 5 business days of the booking confirmation with Spotahome. This means that you will need to transfer the deposit as soon as the booking confirmed. If not, the landlord reserves the right to cancel the booking.
Was passiert nach der Buchung auf Spotahome?
Wichtig: Nachdem deine Buchung auf Spotahome bestätigt wurde, musst du deine Reservierung noch einmal in unserem System finalisieren. Es kommt folgendes auf dich zu:
Du erhältst per Mail einen Link zu unserer Website.
Auf unserer Website musst du nun noch einmal den Apartment-Typ auswählen, welches du dir auf Spotahome gesichert hast.
Danach erhältst du einen passwortgeschützten Zugang zu unserer App und kannst hier deine Immatrikulationsbescheinigung sowie die Kopie deines Personalausweises oder Reisepasses hochladen und den Vertrag bestätigen.
Anschließend prüfen wir deine Angaben und wenn alles passt, bekommst du eine automatische Mail mit der Zahlungsaufforderung der Kaution und unserer one-off Handling Fee (diese ist unabhängig von der Spotahome Booking Fee!)
Sobald keine Zahlungen mehr offen sind (innerhalb der nächsten 5 Werktage) und das Geld bei uns angekommen ist, schließen wir die Buchung final ab und du erhältst eine finale Bestätigungsemail.
Bitte beachte, dass die Buchung über unser System spätestens 7 Tage nach der Buchung auf Spotahome abgeschlossen werden sollte. Nach 7 Tagen ist das Zimmer nicht mehr für dich reserviert und kann von anderen gebucht werden. Kurz vor Semesterbeginn können Reservierungen nur 2 Tage gehalten werden. Eine Rückerstattung der bisher gezahlten Kosten ist in diesem Fall nicht garantiert.
Keine Sorge, falls du Hilfe benötigen solltest, kannst du dich immer gerne bei uns melden!
What happens after your booking is completed on Spotahome?
Good to know: After your booking has been confirmed on Spotahome, you have to finalize your reservation in our system. The following steps have to be completed:
You will receive a link to our website by e-mail.
On our website, you have to select the apartment type you have booked on Spotahome.
As the next step, you will receive password-protected access to our app where you can upload your enrolment certificate, as well as a copy of your ID card or passport, and confirm the contract.
Afterward, we will check your details, and if everything fits you will receive an automatic e-mail with the payment request of the deposit and our one-off handling fee (this payment differs from the Spotahome booking fee!).
As soon as there are no more pending payments (within the next 5 business days) and we have received the money, we will finalize the booking and you will receive a final confirmation e-mail.
Please note that the booking through our system should be completed no later than 7 days after booking on Spotahome. After 7 days, the room is no longer reserved for you and can be booked by others. Just before the semester starts, reservations can only be held for 2 days. In this case, a refund of the costs paid so far is not guaranteed.
Available from
Min. stay
Max. stay
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